Inside-Out Practice | Conversation with Keith Wallace: What China?
Inside-Out Art Museum’s “Inside-Out Practice” presents From Art to Yishu, From Yishu to Art (2020.12.19-2021.3.19), a retrospective of the publishing history of one hundred issues of Yishu. From the abstract and all-encompassing concept of “art,” to the practical work of the journal’s viewpoints, editing, writing, and publishing, all of these specific aspects of the journal have enriched our understanding of art.
Mark your calendar! We are glad to have invited Keith Wallace to join us online next weekend. As Editor-in-Chief of Yishu Journal from 2004 to 2020, he is going to share his 17 years of experience of editing Yishu and his observations and insight of contemporary Chinese art. This talk is moderated by Huang Wenlong and Liu Yusi, and it is in English.
We are also conducting email interviews with other editorial members and Yishu’s frequent writers. By knowing their stories of, and with, Yishu and their experience of writing art, we hope to get a more comprehensive picture of the community Yishu has fostered, which is also a clue to understand Chinese contemporary art. We will share them after Chinese New Year, stay tuned!
Keith Wallace has been a curator of contemporary art since 1979. From 1991 to 1994 he was Curator of the Contemporary Art Gallery in Vancouver, and from 1994 to 2001 Director/Curator, where he developed a program of regional, national, and international exhibitions. He has been a supporter of artist run centres and wrote a history of Vancouver ARCs for Vancouver Anthology (1991), and edited Whispered Art History (1993) celebrating 20 years of The Western Front, one of Canada’s longest running ARCs. In 2004 he organized InFest: International Artist Run Culture that brought together 250 artists and administrators from 25 countries. He was Associate Director/Curator at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery at the University of British Columbia from 2005 to 2008, and 2012 to 2015. From 2004 to 2020 Wallace was Editor-in-Chief of Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art.
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