The research exhibition Infinite Realism: Humanism in Chinese Photography from the 1920s to 1980s opened at Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum on August 20. Since then, it has attracted the attention of scholars and art professionals, and sparked a considerable number of meaningful discussions.
Affected by the pandemic, Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum had to close the exhibition temporarily for several times, thus significantly suppressed opportunities for further discussions on multiple topics related to the exhibition. In the meantime, we have received ample requests from the public to extend the exhibition period. After careful consultation with related parties and diligent coordination, we have gained the understanding and support of participating artists, institutions and loaners. Thanks to them, we are able to share with you the exciting news that the exhibition Infinite Realism: Humanism in Chinese Photography from the 1920s to 1980s will be on view until February 12, 2023.
Inside-Out Art Museum once again expresses sincere respect and gratitude to the artists, institutions, loaners, and friends in all fields who have contributed to the exhibition. We are also grateful for the audiences’ long-term support and will constantly bring out more in-depth articles and discursive events. Please keep following our official social media accounts for updates.
If you have plans to visit us recently, please scan the QR code below one day before 17:00, fill in the reservation information, and only come to the museum under the condition of ensuring that you are in good health. During your visit, please wear your mask at all time.
Inside-Out Art Museum looks forward to your visit, and wishes you a healthy winter.
Inside-Out Art Museum
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Please scroll down for English 意大利当代艺术丝路行 策展人:安杰拉·泰切 展览时间:2023年2月24日—4月15日 地址:北京市海淀区杏石口路50号,中间美术馆 北京中间美术馆荣幸地迎来2023年首个国际艺术大展“意大利当代艺术丝路行”,该展将于2023年2月24日至4月15日在中间美术馆的一、二层展厅展出。由艺术史家、评论家和策展人安杰拉·泰切(Angela Tecce)策划,“意大利当代艺术丝路行”将通过30余件作品呈现30余位跨越多个代际的艺术家的创作。这个展览中的艺术家名单构成了二战之后意大利当代艺术史的一个索引。从出生于1920年代到1980年代的每个代际中,均有数位佼佼者参与此展。作品的创作时间最早为1967年,最近为2020年,横跨半个多世纪,其中以2010年以来的作品为主。不仅展示那些已经颇具知名度的艺术家的作品,也格外重视推出年轻艺术家的创作,向观众呈现意大利当代艺术的综合全貌,尤其是近年来涌现的各种不同的趋势。作为秉持独立思考和实验精神的当代艺术机构,中间美术馆长期关注和支持非商业性的艺术和人文探索。这也正是“丝路行”这个展览,通过这些观念性的创作,展现出的一种严肃的品质。…
Please scroll down for English 观火:见证与叙事 策展人:朱雅楠 展览时间:2023年2月24日-4月15日 地址:中间美术馆1层,北京市海淀区杏石口路50号 第十期“中间实践”的展览书籍来自意大利西西里巴勒莫的89books,这是由意大利摄影师⽑罗·达加蒂(Mauro D’Agati)与乌克兰策展⼈卡特林娜·菲柳克(Kateryna…
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